Content Automation for Medical Device Manufacturers


Marc Miller
Division President, TransPerfect Medical Device Solutions


November 2, 2016 - 2:00 PM


November 2, 2016 - 3:00 PM

Content Automation for Medical Device Manufacturers

Worldwide, medical device manufacturers’ “cost of content” has ballooned to an estimated $3 billion (1% of revenue) annually. Meanwhile, labeling risk has increased, as evidenced by wild swings in recall-related activity. These increases in cost and risk are driven, primarily, by content complexity and manual processes. For this reason, major corporations such as Medtronic, J&J, Cook Medical, Merk, Ascensia and others are investing in structured content and content automation systems to better control, manage and leverage their content. By eliminating manual formatting processes and implementing process automation technology, manufacturers are achieving the seemingly impossible goal of better quality, lower cost, and faster turnaround.

Attendees should expect to learn:

  • Growing importance of content.
  • Drivers of content cost and complexity.
  • Automation strategies for decreased content cost and risk.
  • Common implementation issues.
  • Model solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do education events take place?

Webinars are held every Wednesday afternoon from 2-3 PM EDT/EST (GMT-4/5).

A majority of online courses are held Tuesdays-Thursdays between 10:00 AM-1:00 PM EDT/EST (GMT-4/5), as to not conflict with webinar times.

When will I receive the Adobe Connect instructions for an event?

Registered attendees will receive the Adobe Connect instructions three (3) hours before the webinar begins, approximately at 11:00 AM EDT/EST.

Registered attendees will receive the Adobe Connect instructions one (1) day before the online course begins.

To participate in a webinar and an online course, you must be able to access Adobe Connect, STC's online meeting space. You can test your Adobe Connect connection here. Adobe Connect is a standard web seminar tool (no separate download required) and all you need is a reliable Internet connection and phone line, or a computer with VoIP capabilities.

I registered for an online course, what are my next steps?

Once you register for an online course, you will receive a confirmation receipt that day. A majority of our online courses uses Moodle, STC's course management site, which attendees will receive the login instructions two (2) days before the course begins.

If you cannot access Adobe Connect and/or Moodle (as needed), then you will not be able to successfully complete an online course.

I registered for a webinar, but will be unable to attend. Will a recording be available?

If a registered attendee is unable to attend a webinar that day, they will receive an email with a link to the recording, and an evaluation link along with the PDF of the presentation.

I registered for a webinar and/or an online course, but cannot attend at that time. Will I receive a refund?

If a registered attendee is unable to attend a webinar and/or an online course, the cost is transferable to a future event, but is not refundable. Online registration closes one-two business days before the education event begins.

I want to take a specific course that isn't listed online. Will it be offered in the future?

STC rotates its courses every year as we try to offer the most popular ones within the first half of the year. Online courses are subject to change or are offered more than once per quarter. If a course is not listed, STC will offer it again in the following year.

Have an Education Question? Contact Us!



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