Tricia Spayer
July 22, 2014 - 2:00 PM
9401 Lee Highway, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA 22030 View mapWhen planning a trip, it’s essential to know your destination. This is also true for graphics. You need to know where the graphics are going to be seen before you add them to your documentation. The destination will determine the best format, resolution, and size of graphic to use.
Come to this webinar to plan your graphics journey. You will also learn about the benefits of using graphics vs. text, what makes an effective graphic, best practices for graphics, the types of graphics, single-sourcing graphics, effective callouts, and enhancing illustrations and photographs.
This webinar will cover:
- Planning for the graphics destination
- Benefits of graphics, including benefits for international users, saving time, space, and money, showing steps in a process, and showing relationships.
- What makes an effective graphic, including adding meaning, consistency, legibility, understandability, uniqueness, cleanliness, and clarity.
- Formats to use for which destination, including .jpg, .png, .gif, .tif, .eps, .svg, and more. We will also discuss the benefits of vector vs. raster graphics.
- Sizing and resolution for graphics, considering where the graphic will be seen, determining your maximum available size, re-sizing graphics, single-sourcing for multiple devices, and using relative sizes for future compatibility.
- Best practices for graphics, including templating, using a graphics style guide, and creating and resizing before importing into authoring programs.
- What makes an effective callout, including readability, use of halos, considerations for localization, uniformity, placement, font sizes and line weights, and shading regions of interest.
- A brief discussion on enhancing illustrations and photos, a discussion of line drawings vs. photos, hardware documentation recommendations, contrast, focus, and removal of clutter.