John Collins
March 4, 2015 - 2:00 PM
March 4, 2015 - 3:00 PM
9401 Lee Highway, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA 22030 View map“Content strategy” has been a hot term in the past few years. More and more user experience (UX) designers realize that content plays a crucial role in UX. At the same time, technical communicators have been looking for a more viable way to serve their users than by creating PDF files and Help systems.
This webinar will define content strategy and explore the opportunity that content strategy presents for technical communicators. If you’ve ever said “All I did today at work was put out fires,” then you’ll appreciate the comparison we’ll make to firefighting and building software and how content strategy helps put out those work fires.
You’ll learn about:
- Content strategy
- What makes a successful content strategist
- The similarities of content strategists and technical communicators
- The differences between content strategists and technical communicators
- How to move toward a role as a content strategist