Retrain Your Brain: Using Brain Plasticity to Become a Better Leader



November 18, 2015 - 2:00 PM


November 18, 2015 - 3:00 PM

As leaders, we use strategies to empower our teams. But how can we teach our teams to be brave and innovative when we ourselves have brains that are wired to be fearful and judgmental? That is the opposite of bravery and innovation!

During this workshop, we will learn and practice how we can consciously rewire our brains to become the leaders our teams need. How can we alter our thoughts to keep us calm when catastrophe strikes? How can we learn to accept reality and practice empathy?

Using research from the works of Dr. Rebecca Bailey, an expert in developmental psychology, and Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor, Sarah will take attendees on a journey through basic brain structure and brain plasticity. Attendees will learn how to rewire their brains and will practice exercises that they can continue at home to truly change the way their brains think. These skills can take years to master, but learning to consciously change the way we think is a great start on that journey.

Learning outcomes include:

  • Familiarity with Dr. Bailey's Brain State Model
  • Exercises to form the neural pathways to maintain composure during times of stress
  • Exercises to help attendees move from the “fight or flight” part of the brain into the problem-solving part of the brain
  • Exercises to develop and practice empathy
  • Tools to begin transforming team culture using intrinsic motivation


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