December 9, 2015 - 2:00 PM
December 9, 2015 - 3:00 PM
This session will provide you with the tools you need to get started doing User Experience (UX) work right away. Carol will introduce small, iterative steps to understand your customer's (users, patients, colleagues, etc.) desires, needs and abilities.
Three quick and inexpensive UX research methods will be introduced that will provide you with rich information about users and designs: interviews; card sorting; and usability testing. You'll learn how this work will influence your designs and ways to effectively share and communicate what has been learned to increase stakeholder’s understandings of customers.
Participants will learn three key things in this session:
- What User Experience is and how it can improve customer experiences
- How to conduct basic interviews, card sorts and usability tests
- How to effectively communicate what you have learned