
A Note from the Editor

bio_pohland_aug15This is a jam-packed issue of Intercom. A dozen authors have written articles on tool-based topics—tools and workflows they are currently using within their technical communication jobs. Popular tools discussed include Jekyll, GitHub, Doxygen, Javadoc, Swagger, Sphinx, and Read the Docs as well as APIs and automation and data synthesis tools. And three articles in the issue have also been posted to Intercom Online; those topics include content analytics, augmented reality, and how to evaluate and buy tools. Thank you to Tom Johnson, Nicky Bleiel, Morgan Hancock, Ed Marshall, Robert Delwood, Joel Kline, Frank Guerino, Eric Holscher, Christian Brand, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Sara Feldman, Tena Pair, and Liz Fraley for the outstanding content you contributed and the expertise you shared in this exciting and impressive issue. And thanks also to regular columnists Nicky Bleiel and Mark Lewis and guest columnist Andy McDonald for your expert advice on GitHub resources, intelligent content, and techcomm standards, respectively. I trust technical communicators around the world will find much material in this issue that applies to their work.

September also welcomes a new Intercom Editorial Advisory Panel for a two-year term. I met in August with panelists Saul Carliner, Michelle Despres, Linda Oestrieich, Marta Rauch, Kelly Schrank, and Kirk St.Amant to discuss the 2017 editorial calendar. Stay tuned for new themes for 2017 to be published in the October issue and, as always, feel free to send me your submission and topic ideas as well as your feedback.