STC has launched an initiative for new tech comm professionals (as well as those new to STC) to provide educational and networking opportunities to help you get started in your tech comm career.
KnowledgeXchange Panel Discussions and FAQs
Join us for the monthly “We Are TC: KnowledgeXchange” and participate in a moderated panel with seasoned tech comm professionals who will answer the most common questions we get asked about the industry and what you need to know to start your career as a tech comm professional. Each month will cover a different topic of interest. After the live presentation, there will be time reserved for audience Q&A with our panelists. Registration is not required, attendance is free, and these sessions are open to all STC members.
Upcoming KnowledgeXchange Panels
What Tools and Technologies Should I Know as a Technical Communicator?
Monday, 29 November 2021, 1:00 PM ET
Moderator: Liz Pohland, STC CEO
Panelists: Tim Esposito, Jack Molisani, and Jane Wilson
Description: Interested in learning about the tools every technical communicator should know? Join this panel to learn more about the most frequently used tools, tools that are both good and free to use, the different tools for Mac vs. PC, and more. Bring your questions about tools for the open Q&A.
KnowledgeXchange: New Member Meet-Ups
You’ve just joined STC! Congratulations! Now what?
Join STC for informal, live meet-ups specifically meant to be a space for new tech comm professionals and those new to the Society to network and ask questions about STC, member benefits, and how to use your membership to your advantage. Each meet-up will spend a few minutes covering key information about STC and its different products and services, with the rest of the discussion and networking up to you! Bring your questions and ideas and attend one session or all! Registration is not required, attendance is free, and new STC members are invited to join us!
Meet-ups are held on the second week of each month — i.e., the second Monday of each month at 12:00 PM ET, and the Friday of the same week at 3 PM ET.
Upcoming New Member Meet-Ups:
- 13 December 2021, 12:00 PM ET
- 17 December 2021, 3:00 PM ET
Visit more information on TechComm KnowledgeXchange!