Instructional Design for Technical Communicators
Presenter: Saul Carliner
Tuesdays, 8 to 29 March | 1:30 to 3:00 PM ET
Registration closes on 18 February 2022.
Charged with developing a tutorial or similar instructional program? Or have you developed tutorials but are looking to do so more effectively?
This four-session course provides you with the skills needed to successfully produce effective learning programs, including following the ADDIE approach, writing instructional objectives, developing criterion-referenced quizzes and tests, describing the dominant Kirkpatrick model of evaluation, choosing an instructional strategy then applying it, and creating engaging, supportive instructional programs.
You’ll learn how to:
- Follow the ADDIE approach to designing and developing instructional programs.
- Write observable, measurable instructional objectives
- Write scenarios of use for training programs
- Write meaningful exercises, quizzes, and tests
- Develop rubrics for assessment
- Choose an appropriate instructional approach for a lesson
- Structure a lesson for the selected approach
- Apply at least three techniques for interacting within an instructional program
- Describe how to effectively handle at least five complex instructional situations, such as writing feedback and providing guidance on activities
So You Want to Make It as a TechComm Freelancer? Tips to Attract and Keep Clients
Presenter: Bonnie Denmark
Wednesday, 16 March | 1:00 to 2:00 PM ET
It’s a great time to be a tech comm freelancer as companies race to keep up with growing content demands and the pandemic has forced us all to embrace more autonomous ways of working. A look at freelance hiring sites may give the impression that the field is overcrowded, but hiring companies want to find the right freelancer just as much you want to find work. It’s a matter of positioning yourself for ultimate attractiveness to hirers. This webinar offers strategic tips to give freelancers the competitive edge.
The objective of the webinar: Webinar attendees will take away actionable tips to help them stand out from the competition.
For current CPTC certificants: This webinar provides two continuing education units for recertification, in the Content Development core competency area.