STC Summit '10 Call for Proposals Deadline Nears

The deadline for submission of prospective proposals for Technical Communication Summit '10 is fast approaching! All proposals must be submitted by 10:00 AM EDT (GMT-4), Monday, 5 October 2009, and must be submitted through our online submission system. The initial Call for Proposals is republished below:

The Society for Technical Communication invites you to contribute your ideas, studies, experience, and expertise at our Technical Communication Summit 2010, the 57th Annual Conference of the Society for Technical Communication.

The Society advances the theory and practice of technical communication across all user abilities and all media. Consequently, the core content of the Summit's education program will be based on tracks that span the profession. Those tracks are detailed in this call for proposals. The work you are doing and have done is an important element in the education process, and we invite you to share it with Summit attendees.

The Summit is scheduled:
Dallas, TX, USA
2-5 May, 2010

Please see the Call for Proposals website for general information about the conference, descriptions of the individual tracks within the education program, descriptions of session formats and required supporting materials, answers to key questions, and a checklist of issues to address before submitting your proposal.

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