Intercom’s 2010 Editorial Calendar Announced

You've been waiting for it with bated breath (you have, right?) and finally it's here! Intercom‘s editor Liz Pohland is happy to announce the 2010 editorial calendar, complete with issue themes and due dates for submissions. You can see all the details year-round at that link, but check it out below in the meantime. If you have any questions or wish to submit an article for consideration, contact Liz Pohland or Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger, who also works at Stately STC Manor as Intercom‘s assistant editor. (And yes, I realize I combined superhero motifs. I'll allow it.)

NEW MATERIAL: Check out our author guidelines for details on content, style, formatting, submission, etc. To submit a proposal, send an email to

Thanks to all our authors and columnists for 2009, and we look forward to reading all the great submissions for 2010. And speaking of Intercom, don't forget to submit your questions for this week's Intercom Q&A!

January 2010—Technical Communication in 2010: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? Looking Forward and Back
Submissions due: 11/15/2009

February 2010—The “Art Of Writing” Issue: Writing for Mobile Devices, Writing a Podcast, Writing for Video, Unusual Writing Environments
Submissions due: 12/15/2009

March 2010—What We Can Learn From Our Failures/Mistakes: Technology Failures, Research Failures, Career Failures
Submissions due: 1/15/2010

April 2010—Online Publishing, E-Publishing, Eco-Friendly, Green Themes, How Do You Save the Planet as a Technical Communicator?
Submissions due: 2/15/2010

May 2010—Technical Communication in the Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Health Care Industries
Submissions due: 3/15/2010        

June 2010—Four Generations of Technical Communicators in the Workplace: How Does this Affect Our Deliverables? What Are the Best Ways to Motivate and Manage Each Generation?
Submissions due: 4/15/2010

July/August 2010—Mobility and Technical Communication: How Are Mobile/Portable/Wireless Devices Affecting TC?
Submissions due: 5/15/2010

September/October 2010—User Support and Free Services: How are Technical Communicators Using Open Source, Freeware/Shareware, Feedback/User Support Systems?
Submissions due: 7/15/2010

November 2010—The Security Issue: What Technical Communicators Need to Know
Submissions due: 9/15/2010

December 2010—Visual Information: How Do Technical Communicators Use Visuals as Communication?
Submissions due: 10/15/2010

0 Replies to “Intercom’s 2010 Editorial Calendar Announced”

  1. Just gotta tell you, I am really enjoying the tone of this blog. Thank you for your humor and for the information you are making available to your readers. I also like the fact that we are getting the info in right-sized nuggets. Keep it up!

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