Society for Technical Communication Offers Recovery Package for Membership

For the 2010 membership year, the Marion Norby Fund is enabling STC to offer a new program to help up to 400 members affected by the economic recession. STC will award up to 100 Full Recovery Packages and up to 300 Subsidy Recovery Packages. 

  • Full Recovery Package: Basic dues—a $215 value ($160 value for those in the developing countries listed in the STC membership application)
  • Subsidy Recovery Package: The difference between the Basic dues rate of $150 (2009 dues) and $215 (2010)—a $65* value for all members regardless of location

Eligibility Requirements

Full Recovery Package
The Full Recovery Package is designed for members who:

  • Have been unemployed, on medical disability, or underemployed (less than 15 hours per week) since 30 June 2009
  • Are self employed or contractors and whose income for the period of 30 June through 31 December 2009 is less than 25% of what they earned for the same period in 2008

Subsidy Recovery Package
The Subsidy Recovery Package is designed for members who consider themselves in financial need.

*The subsidy is for $65 regardless of the country where the member lives. Awardees in most countries would pay $150 when they renew; those in developing countries would pay $95.

All candidates will be on the honor system. By applying for either package, candidates are pledging their eligibility status.

Renewal Process
Candidates for either Recovery Package are asked NOT to renew their membership until they are notified of the judges’ decision. All candidates will be notified via email by 11 February 2010. Awardees will be given specific directions for renewing. Candidates who have not been selected can renew using STC’s online or paper application system. All STC members must renew their membership by 28 February 2010 in order to be eligible to vote in the Society’s election. (Please note that under each Recovery Package, chapter membership, SIG membership, and Technical Communication and Intercom print subscriptions are available for an additional fee. Awardees will also be sent information on how to purchase a la carte menu items.)

Application Process
Candidates for either Recovery Package must submit a message of 75-150 words on ONE of three topics: 

  • How my work as a technical communicator added value for my employers or clients (current or past)
  • What I believe are the most important skills technical communicators need for the future
  • A specific example of how being a member of STC has made a difference in my career

STC may use your message or excerpts of your message on the STC website or blog. Candidates need to notify STC when you apply if you wish your message to be identified with your full name or your initials, or if your message will be identified as “anonymous.” 

Criteria for Judging Messages
Messages will be judged on these criteria:

  • Clarity
  • Originality
  • Style, grammar, punctuation, and usage
  • Organization

Messages should not contain any confidential or proprietary information.

The Rules:

  • Applicants can only apply for one of the Recovery Packages.
  • Applicants will submit a message of 75-150 words, in English.
  • STC board members, student members, and retired members are not eligible to apply.
  • New members cannot apply for either Recovery Package; only renewing members may apply.
  • The deadline for submission is 5 PM EST (GMT-5) Thursday, 31 December 2009.
  • A task force of members will judge the entries. The decision of the judges is final.
  • Messages should be sent via email to Julia O’Connor at

Apply Using Email
To apply for either the Full Recovery Package or the Subsidy Recovery Package, please send the information detailed below in an email to Julia O’Connor at

  • Use the subject line of your email to indicate which Recovery Package you are applying for.  
  • In the top left corner of the email, enter your first and last name, member ID number, phone number, how your message will be identified (full name, initials, or anonymous), and which one of the three topics you select. 
  • Type your message in the body of the email below the topic.

Send your message and information mentioned above in an email to   All applications must be received by 5 PM EST (GMT-5) Thursday, 31 December 2009.

All submissions will be confirmed by 5 PM EST (GMT-5) Tuesday, 5 January 2010.  If you do not receive a confirmation by that date, please contact Julia O’Connor at 

See Sample of Application Email Below.

Example of Email Content to Apply for Either Recovery Package
Subject:  Full Recovery Package
Body of email
Name: John Smith
Member ID: 55555
Phone: +1 (703) 555-1212
Identification Type:  Full Name
Topic: What I believe are the most important skills technical communicators need for the future

(click on image to see larger version)

 app letter