Upcoming Webinar on 3 February: Conquering the Pervasive Disease of Rambling

Do you tend to ramble? At crucial moments, when one should be focused and must speak with emphasis, most people—even those who are highly trained and well educated—frequently diminish their impact by going into an infinite ramble or being too feeble and perfunctory. V. J. Singal presents Conquering the Pervasive Disease of Rambling: How to Emphasize Your Point in Three Sentences, Thursday, 3 February from 4:00-5:00 PM EST (GMT-5). He provides examples of incidents where rambling led to embarassment, followed by analysis and discussion of several real-world examples of top-notch communicators emphasizing an important point in just three sentences. Find out how to curtail rambling with V. J. Singal and STC.

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