Upcoming Webinar on 16 February: Virtual Security: Best Practices for Remote Workers

An organization is only as secure as its weakest link. How sure are you that you are not the weakest link? Find out on Thursday, 16 February, with the live Web seminar Virtual Security: Best Practices for Remote Workers, presented by Barrie Byron and Ann Grove from 4:00-5:00 PM EST (GMT-5)

You will learn basic security principles, including how to fulfill your obligations to your company and your customers by protecting the information you can access; create “very strong” passwords (tip: your organization's password policies are likely not enough); make good security decisions in typical business activities, including using wifi, opening email and surfing the web, handling confidential data, and understanding social media; and make your office area more secure. Learn best security practices for remote workers with Barrie Byron and Ann Grove.

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