STC Installs 2013-2014 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors for 2013-2014 was formally installed last night at STC's Annual Business Meeting held in Atlanta, GA, as part of the Summit.

With the passing of the gavel, Nicky Bleiel becomes the new STC President, with Alan Houser moving to the role of Immediate Past President and Kit Brown-Hoekstra taking the mantle of Vice President; Hillary Hart finishes her three-year cycle with the Board. Jane Wilson was installed as Treasurer, as Aiessa Moyna completed her service to the Society. New Directors Deanne Levander and Ben Woelk replace outgoing Directors Rich Maggiani and Tricia Spayer. And Andrea Wenger and Phylise Banner join the Nominating Committee under new chair Aeissa Moyna.

Please join us in congratulating the new Board members and those in new positions, and in thanking those rolling off the Board for their dedication and years of service to the Society.

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