STC, AIIP Announce Partnership

As STC Executive Director Chris Lyons wrote in his blog post last week, STC is working to “expand our partnerships with related associations, giving our members access to additional education and joint events that are relevant to their changing careers.” The newest partnership in this effort is with the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP). AIIP joins Sigma Tau Delta, the American Medical Writers Association, the User Experience Professionals Association, and the American Society for Indexing in signing agreements with STC.

As part of the partnership, STC members can register for AIIP member rates at the 2014 AIIP Annual Conference, slated for 2-6 April at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD. In addition, STC and AIIP members will get member pricing at other selected educational events and the two organizations will jointly host a virtual conference on establishing and growing independent businesses. Lyons explained the mutual benefits in the press release announcing the partnership:

“We hosted a successful virtual conference in April 2013 focused on starting and running your own business. It is an area of interest to a significant percentage of the STC members. I realized that the AIIP, with its focus on independent professionals, would be a great partner to help our members with interest as independents. I think there is also joint interest in the educational offerings from the AIIP and the STC. I’m excited to jointly host the conference again in 2014. I’m really glad that Dr. Sheppard and the AIIP Board saw the same win-win for their association.”

For more information on the two organizations and this partnership, read the press release online.