STC, the Nominating Committee, and the Board of Directors are pleased to announce the results of its 2014 election.
Voting concluded at 5:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on 24 March. Of 4,111 eligible voters, 616 (14.98%) cast ballots.
Congratulations to the winners, and a special thanks to all candidates for their dedication to STC and willingness to devote their time and energy to improving our Society. Note: According to the STC Bylaws, the results become official when announced at the Annual Business Meeting at the STC Summit in Phoenix.
Kit Brown-Hoekstra
(automatically succeeds
from Vice President) |
Vice President
Bernard Aschwanden* | 336 |
Paul Mueller | 274 |
Alyssa Fox* | 588 |
Director (two spots)
Ray Gallon*
467 |
Charles Fisher*
Makarand Pandit | 270 |
Nominating Committee
(two spots)
Donn DeBoard* |
Marta Rauch* | 590 |
* indicates winner.