Thanks once more to the chapter and SIG leaders for filling Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger in on what’s going on in their neighborhoods. Click the Community Events tab above to see the full listing, in chronological order and with links where provided, or see the list below the jump. New: Events with the blue @ icon have an online component, and STC members worldwide are invited to participate!
If you’re a community leader and didn’t get my email, or if you didn’t get a chance to respond, feel free to email me and I’ll add your events to the below as soon as I can. If you weren’t able to send your event before, please send now and I’ll add it to the list.
All members are invited to attend any of the below meetings, many of which are virtual. See the websites for more information or to sign up.
2 May: Washington, DC-Baltimore, First Friday Lunches, Let’s Do Lunch, Noon-1:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)
7 May: Santa Barbara, Monthly Schmoozing Lunch, Java Station, Noon-1:00 PM PDT (GMT-7)
7 May: Rocky Mountain, Northern Colorado Satellite meeting, 7:00-8:30 PM MDT (GMT-6)
8 May: Eastern Iowa, “Content Strategy in Your Next Project,” 7:30-9:00 AM, CDT (GMT-5)
9-10 May: Willamette Valley (OR), Training workshop with Toni Mantych presenting “DITA for Authors,” 8:30 AM-5:00 PM PDT (GMT-7)
10 May: India, Webinar, Language Review – a Documentation Manager’s Perspective, 11:00 AM-Noon IST (GMT+5.30)
13 May: Houston, MadCap Flare: 5:30-7:30pm CDT (GMT-5)
13 May, Twin Cities, Structured Authoring: A First Step to Content Management, with Mary Kay Craig, 5:30-7:30 PM CDT (GMT-5)
13 May: North Texas Lone Star, Steven Marzuola presents “Writing for Translation” 6:30-8:30 PM CDT (GMT-5) or Contact North Texas Lone Star
15 May: Rocky Mountain, annual business meeting featuring Bill Horton, Doing More with Less, 5:30-8:30 PM MDT (GMT-6)
15 May: Willamette Valley (OR), Chapter meeting with Maxwell Hoffman presenting “Beyond paper to pixels: publish to ePub formats with just FrameMaker 12,” 6:00-8:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
15 May: Carolina, Revamp Your Resume, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) – online 6:30-8:00 PM
15 May: Orlando-Central Florida, Discover how to make the most out of the online publishing market, Wyndham Vacation Ownership Corporate Office, 6:30 PM or Contact Orlando-Central Florida
18 May: Community Affairs Committee, Leadership Day at the Summit, 8:00 AM-Noon MST (GMT-7)
19 May: Phoenix, FilmBar Event at Summit 2014, a private screening of Helvetica), 7:00 PM MST (GMT-7)
20 May: Atlanta, User Experience: The Intersection of Customer and Product (chapter meeting), 6:30-8:30 PM EDT (GMT-4)
21 May: Phoenix, Evening at the Phoenix Art Museum at Summit 2014, meet at Hyatt at 3:00 PM MST (GMT-7) or email Phoenix
27 May: Puget Sound, Minimalism in Documentation: How low can you go? with Leah Guren, 6:00 PM-8:30 PM (PDT GMT-7) or email Puget Sound
28 May: Houston, Galleria Networking Lunch, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM CDT (GMT-5)
28 May: Phoenix, Metro Phoenix Technical Communicators, Lunch with Technical Communicators in Chandler at Fired Pie, 12:30 PM MST (GMT-7) or email Phoenix
28 May: Washington DC-Baltimore, Structured Authoring and DITA (recorded webinar), Vienna, VA, 6:30-8:30 PM EDT (GMT-4)