Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger Moving to Another Neighborhood

Or, to use another pop culture reference, “Now's the time to say goodbye to friends and family.” Sadly, Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger has turned in his notice to STC; my last day is Friday, 11 July.

A former coworker (with another company) contacted me shortly before the Summit and said there was an opening at her organization that she thought I'd be perfect for. A few interviews later, I received a job offer that was impossible to turn down. It's an exciting opportunity for me and my family and one I look forward to starting.

While looking forward, however, I also look back with pride at my work with STC. Over the nearly five years I've worked at STC I've had the pleasure of getting to know and work with dozens and dozens of members on the Board, committees, communities, and just one on one. And I hope I've left everyone with whom I've worked a positive impression of both myself and of STC. I'm especially proud of helping Liz Pohland continue to increase the quality of Intercom and of the great, great group of guest bloggers that have come to call STC's Notebook home.

The search for my replacement is underway and an announcement about a new blogmaster will be made when the new person is in place. If you treat the new employee as well as I’ve been treated throughout the years, he or she will enjoy working at STC as much as I did.

I wish the organization, the members, and the great staff I've had the pleasure of working with, all the success in the world. I think exciting things are in line for STC and I can't wait to see exactly what they are. Because—to make one final pop culture reference—soon enough I'll be able to say “I'm not only a former staffer … but I'm also a member.” See you around!

6 Replies to “Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger Moving to Another Neighborhood”

  1. Sorry to see you go…. you’ll be missed! Best of luck in the future!

  2. Always sad to lose one of the good guys! I enjoyed working with you, and I wish you success in your next, er, posting!

  3. Kevin, it really has been a pleasure. I’ll miss you. Best wishes in your new endeavors!

  4. Kevin, It has been a pleasure. Over the years, you have been very responsive to my email inquiries and getting stuff posted on STC Notebook. I appreciate it. Take care.

  5. It has been wonderful working with you, Kevin, over the past 5 years. It is a bittersweet day for me, but I’m happy to see you grow and advance in your career. Thank you for all you have done for me and for STC. I am most grateful for the contributions you have made, especially to the success of STC’s communications via Intercom, social media and marketing, STC’s Notebook, and your excellent work at the Summit. I wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life!

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