The Leadership Program at the STC 2015 Summit will be Sunday, 21 June, from 8:00 AM to noon EDT. The program offers an opportunity for STC community leaders past, present, and future to get together for sharing and learning. This year’s program will be a little different and for good reason.
You spoke out. We listened!
After the #STC14 Leadership Day in Phoenix, you gave us lots of great feedback. You spoke out about what you liked. You spoke out about what you didn’t like. We received suggestions about how to improve the program and we listened. This year’s program will incorporate many of your suggestions.
More discussion time, more networking, more breakout sessions
This year’s program includes several hours set aside for informal discussion and breakout sessions. We will have both beginning and advanced topic tracks. We will have discussions lead by CAA and Pacesetter award winning communities, and by community leaders who will share the lessons they learned along the way. Watch the Leadership Program session page on Lanyrd for updated topics and topic leaders as the plan comes together.
More recognition of the CAA, DCSA/DSSA/DSAS, Pacesetter Winners
The Summit Leadership Program is where we will announce and celebrate the winners of our Community Achievement Awards (CAA), Pacesetter awards, and Distinguished Community Service Awards. Winners will be announced and celebrated throughout the morning and we’ll take time for applause, high fives, and photos.
Fewer speeches
Fewer and shorter speeches are in this year’s program. Give the people what they want.
It’s FREE to all STC members
Best of all, this new improved program will be free of charge to all STC members. Many thanks to the Conference Committee for making this happen.
Want to know more?
See the growing agenda and watch for updates on Lanyrd and then make plans to join us in Columbus. Did we mention that it’s free?