Community leaders will be glad to hear that once again, the STC Community Affairs Committee (CAC) has got their back in 2015-2016. If you need help, feel stuck, or just want ideas, look to the CAC as your connection to STC resources, Board of Directors, and staff.
Let’s introduce this year’s team so you can reach out.
Cindy Pao
Chair, Community Affairs Committee
Cindy Pao is the new chair of the Community Affairs Committee, CAC for short. As chair of the CAC, Cindy manages a team of top-notch community leaders to provide service and support to all of STC’s communities and liaises with the STC Board.
During the day, Cindy is the Lead Technical Writer of IT policies and procedures for the Harris Health System in Houston, Texas.
Contact Cindy if you have questions about getting help from the CAC.
The 2015-2016 STC CAC has got your back!
If you need help, or have a question or suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact us.