Community leaders will be glad to hear that once again, the STC Community Affairs Committee (CAC) has got their back in 2015-2016. If you need help, feel stuck, or just want ideas, look to the CAC as your connection to STC resources, Board of Directors, and staff.
Let’s introduce this year’s team so you can reach out.
Viqui Dill
Communications Lead
Viqui Dill spreads the good news about CAC and STC initiatives by tweeting, retweeting, posting, reposting, emailing, and circulating the information for maximum coverage.
Contact Viqui for help setting up a social media plan for your community or if you need an additional channel for getting information out to communities.
The 2015-2016 STC CAC has got your back!
If you need help, or have a question or suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact us.