You only have two days left to recruit and win. Why not share your commitment to advance the technical communication field by recruiting your colleagues to STC? You will be contributing to the development and growth of the profession. A growing STC means greater recognition for the field, more resources, more support for our members, and a larger network.
For every Classic, New TC Professional, Gold*, or Student* member you recruit, you will be entered to win one of the following prizes:
Recruit 1-2 members:
- One of two $25 Amazon Gift Cards
- STC Swag
- Additional Chapter or SIG of your choice
Recruit 3-4 members:
- LG Portable Mobile Pocket Photo Printer
- One of twolive webinar registrations to the 2016 event of your choice
Recruit 5 or more members:
- Amazon Echo
- 2016 upgraded Gold membership
*Each Gold member recruited will be considered two entries and each Student member you recruit will be considered half an entry. Corporate Value Program members will not be considered for MGAM entry.
Visit the MGAM page for details and recruit someone today!