Community Best Practices: Virtual Chapter Techcomm Showcase

originally from Ben Woelk on February 5th, 2016

We've been discussing how communities could partner on virtual programming
for a couple of years. Early this month, Rochester, Southeastern Michigan,
and New England partnered on a virtual techcomm showcase. This model can be
leveraged by other communities.

Hosting and Registration
Rochester hosted the event through Adobe Connect, and made registration
available through the Rochester Eventbrite listing. Southeastern Michigan
and New England also made the event available through their event
programming tools. (Each chapter kept the proceeds from their own
listings.) Pricing was per connection, or per attendee for those who chose
to attend an”official” viewing party with other community members.
(Rochester hosted a viewing party at the Barnes and Noble community room.)
Viqui Dill and Ben Woelk managed the Adobe Connect session.

Each host community supplied a speaker. Rochester enlisted Bernard
Aschwanden to speak on “Audience-Specific Content using FrameMaker”, New
England brought Patty Gale, “Know Your Users: Improving Learning Content by
Connecting with User”, and Southeastern Michigan brought Angel Belford, “Best
Practices in Using Social Media for Your Business”. Each speaker had a
30-minute block.

Attendance and User Experience
We had 17 registrations through STC Rochester. New England and Southeastern
Michigan had additional attendees. I believe the total attendance was ~45,
with viewing parties for each chapter and a contingent of techcomm
professionals in Quebec City.

We had our share of audio difficulties (some self inflicted), but overall
the event was a success. We took questions through the chat window.
Attendee feedback has been good.

The event recording is available free at

Round Two STC Virtual Chapter Techcomm Showcase, March 2nd
Twin Cities, Pittsburgh, and the IDL SIG are partnering on the second
Techcomm showcase.

Each of the host communities and Rochester will probably offer
registration. We're still finalizing the speakers and details but should be
able to release information next week.

Round Three? 
If you're interested, let's chat!

Ben Woelk
Program Manager
STC Rochester

Author of “Shockproofing Your Use of Social Media: Staying Safe Online”,
available on Amazon Kindle.

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