Simplifying Your Community Finances with Quicken

Keeping track of your community's finances can be a chore, especially if you're using a written checkbook or homebrew Excel sheet. When it comes time to do your STC budget or financial report, guessing at the expenses and income for all the budget categories can be tricky. We recommend you use Quicken to track your community expenses. Quicken is a software application for both the PC and Mac.

What benefits do you get from using Quicken to manage your community finances?

  • Budget categories used to track income and spending.
  • Automatic updates from your bank and PayPal.
  • Reports for budgets and chapter leadership meetings.
  • Mobile app so community leaders can see funds available.
  • Data is automatically backed up.

See the details of this post, including a sample Quicken database for you to download and use as a starting point, on the Community Affairs Committee website.