New STC Online Course: Web Design and Development

We've got a great new online course coming up next week: Web Design and Development with Craig Baehr! Technical communication often intersects and informs Web design and Web applications. While generally not expected to spearhead Web design for their clients and companies, technical communicators can take on key roles in the planning and implementation of online content, and therefore need to have an understanding of the principles and process of developing Web content.

To that end, this six-week introductory course will introduce participants to planning and project management basics related to Web design, content strategy techniques, information development and modeling, design and user experience principles, basic HTML and CSS coding techniques, and usability/accessibility heuristics. The course will also introduce students to readings, resources, and tools available to help plan and develop Web content for information products.

The course will be broken down week-by-week into different Web development topics: process planning, content strategy, information architecture, design, scripting, and usability. Participants will also be given weekly tasks to help them develop their own website project alongside the course.

The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the wide range of skills, methods, and techniques used in writing content for the Web.   The course is also designed to prepare students for more advanced or specialized study in other topics related to Web development.

Web Design and Development  runs from 10 October through 14 November on Tuesdays from 2:30-4:00 PM EST (GMT-5). For more details and to register, click here.