Ken Rainey Award for Excellence in Research: Call for Nominations

The Ken Rainey Award honors research that has made positive, significant contributions to technical communication practice and teaching. It rewards a lifetime of quality research in the field, a single high-quality empirical study, or a set of related high-quality studies. A person’s longevity in the field will not be a factor in the award.

  • Nominees must have belonged to STC for a minimum of one year.
  • Self-nominations are allowed, as are nominations from anyone else in the field.

Please send your nominations to Sally Henschel, Chair of the Ken Rainey Nominating Committee, at on or before 3 November 2017.  Include the name and email address of the nominee and a brief explanation of your reason for making the nomination. The chair will notify each eligible nominee and request that that s/he prepare and submit materials in support of her/his nomination.

For more information on the Award (including a list of past recipients):

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sally Henschel.