Spotlight Webinar: What is Ethics?

About the Webinar

We've got a new free member-only webinar coming up (sponsored by the Community Affairs Committee) with a fresh topic: ethics in technical communication. Hosted by Derek G. Ross, PhD, the editor of Intercom's ethics column, this webinar discusses ethics in the context of the Society for Technical Communication's six ethical principles. Those principles—legality, honesty, confidentiality, quality, fairness, and professionalism—are formed from the larger backdrop of ethical theory. The webinar will teach the fundamental components of ethical decision-making, and discusses different ethical theories. The webinar will also go over how to operationalize STC's ethical principles, and how these organizational ethics can positively impact the workplace.

Why Ethics?: Interpreting “Ethics” and What STC’s Ethical Principles (Can) Do is next Friday, 20 October, from noon to 1:00 PM EDT (GMT-4). Sign up today!

About the Speaker

Derek G. Ross, PhD, Auburn University Department of English, Master of Technical and Professional Communication Program. He teaches classes in technical writing, document design, editing, writing public policy, and environment-related rhetoric, among others. His current research interests include document design in technical and professional communication, perceptions of environment-related rhetoric, audience analysis, and student understanding of research and research methodologies. Currently, he is the Ethics columnist/editor at Intercom Magazine. His column features ethics scenarios and issues that may affect technical communicators in the many aspects of their jobs.