Feel the love with brand new STC education! Make the most of your membership by beefing up your education report card. We've got some fantastic online courses coming up in the month of March!
This week:
Are you satisfied with your DITA implementation? If your answer is “No,” then you are not alone, according to a 2017 survey of more than 250 technical communication professionals conducted by The Content Wrangler. This week's webinar, The Trouble with DITA: Improving DITA Satisfaction will look at the survey data to better understand where organizations are having problems and discuss strategies to mitigate many of DITA's issues. The webinar is tomorrow, 14 February, at 2:00 PM EDT (GMT-5).
Next month:
STC’s online course, Content Strategy: Developing an Effective Workflow with Guiseppe Getto, is back by popular demand! This six-session online course provides attendees with the skills needed to successfully craft a winning content strategy for any organization. It will cover content auditing, SEO, creating a plan, and measuring success. This course will help attendees produce effective, audience-focused content for any channel, online or offline. This course runs from 1 March through 5 April (Thursdays) at 1:30-3:00 PM EST/EDT.
STC is offering a brand new online course! Digital Rhetoric and the Art of Web Writing runs from 13 March through 17 April (Tuesdays) at Noon-1:30 PM EDT. Instructor Adrianne Depew will dive into the intersection of rhetoric and Web writing to give professional writers new and unique insights into the world of connectedness and digital spaces. Attendees will also learn how to deal with content management while considering the mechanics underlying web pages, SEO, storytelling and more.