This entry is being posted on behalf of Ramesh Aiyyangar, candidate for Director in the 2018 STC election. More information about Ramesh can be found on his STC election page. You can ask questions of the candidates on the STC Election Forum. The election begins 26 February and runs through 9 March.
Ramesh Aiyyangar, Candidate for Director
Ramesh Aiyyangar is an Associate Fellow, Distinguished Chapter Service Award winner and a senior member of STC.
Currently, Ramesh is a STC Community Affairs Committee (STCCAC) member and serving STCAC as the Communication Lead. He also works closely with the Academic, Lone Writer, and Technical Editing SIGs. He is also serving as an Editorial Advisory Board member for Technical Communication since 2015. He was a jury member for the 2015 Frank R. Smith Award.
Ramesh worked as Business Head – Technical Communication at Persistent Systems in his recent stint. He has been involved in technical communication for 22 years. He has served STC, and STC India for 17+ years in various positions, including: Immediate Past President, Election Officer, President, Secretary, and so on.
Candidate Statement
STC is evolving and is on a momentous and exciting journey. STC is a global association and has made inroads in Europe, India and China. STC should continue to increase its presence globally. The objective is to encourage STC activity globally in a proactive manner. This will bring into STC renewed growth, energy and creativity.As Director, I am eager to help in this effort.
One of STC’s greatest strengths is its diverse communities. Communities unite members of a geographic region and provide opportunities for education, networking, and employment most relevant to them.Today, some of our communities are facing challenges, including: declining membership, declining leadership, or both. As Director, I will work to find a healthy, sustainable solution for our communities.
Our profession has grown. But, STC has only a quarter or lesser of this number as members. We need a growth strategy and our value proposition has to be presented in a compelling way. STC has the infrastructure and the expertise to achieve this goal. As Director, I will contribute to this effort.
STC needs to broaden its reach beyond an association for technical communicators. STC has to reach out to other communication-related professional societies to make them aware of what STC has to offer.As Director, I will work with your support to make this happen.
Finally, this election is not only about me or any candidate. It is about all of us. It is about you. It is about your career, your dreams, your struggles and your life.The moment has come when we can come together and solve the problems.
If you elect me Director, I will put in my best efforts to serve STC, its communities, and members.
I will be grateful for your vote. Thank you for your support.