The Call for Proposals for the 2019 STC Technical Communication Summit & Expo is open! We are looking for speakers to share their knowledge, research, work experiences, and technical expertise 5-8 May in Denver, CO. The Call will be open until 4 October. If you're planning to submit a proposal or two, don't wait!
- Content Design and Delivery
- Tools and Technologies
- Training Development and Delivery
- Project Management, Leadership, and Career Development
Visit the Tracks and Topic Ideas page for more information about each track, including a list of potential topic ideas. While other conferences may be narrowly focused, the STC Summit is broad. Its depth and breadth reflect the diversity of our profession, our members, and our attendees. We want our attendees to have an opportunity to stretch themselves to learn about new techniques and trends and to grow their skills and competencies. We welcome all proposals to create the most relevant and comprehensive program available.
Full- and half-day preconference workshops will be offered Saturday and Sunday, 4-5 May. Use the standard proposal submission process to submit your proposals for workshops. In late October, the Society will notify submitters whether their submission has been selected.
The STC Summit is the premier conference for technical communication education and networking. The Summit kicks off Sunday evening with the General Opening Session, including a Keynote presentation and Welcome Reception in the Expo Hall. The education sessions begin Monday morning and continue through Wednesday morning. The Expo Hall, where numerous vendors demonstrate products, services, and technologies in the world of technical communication, will be open during most of the conference. The Honors Reception will take place on Tuesday evening, where the Society will honor the best and brightest in the industry. There will also be evening social events. Conference registration will open in early November.
If you have any questions, please contact us by using the form at the bottom of the Conference Overview page. Please share the Call for Proposals with your tech comm colleagues and on social media.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!