STC Roundtable Week 3: The Future of Technical Communication Panel Discussion

Participate in the first two months of STC Roundtable for free! March's theme is “the future of technical communication” curated by Scott Abel.
New this week:
  • Tomorrow at noon EDT, join Scott Abel for a facilitated discussion with technical communication thought leaders and practitioners about the future of the discipline. Panelists include Marta RauchAlan J. PorterMark Lewis, and Jeremy Lowell. Click here to register.
In case you missed it:
  • Week 2 of the March STC Roundtable included a free whitepaper. The Content Wrangler’s 2019 benchmarking report looks at the trends, challenges, methods, standards, tools, and technologies in use in modern technical communication departments. The findings should prove useful to practitioners, managers, vendors, educators, students, and employers.
Looking ahead:
  • In April, the free Roundtable theme will be Content Strategy and Experience, curated by Rahel Bailie, with four weeks of vetted content.
The trial months are open to everyone. Check out the great new content, interact with our experts, and contribute to the conversation.