STC's Instructional Design & Learning Special Interest Group (IDL SIG) is inviting undergraduate and graduate students to submit an article to their quarterly newsletter, IDeaL: Design for Learning. Not only will the article be published in a professional publication, but the winner will also receive a one-year complimentary STC student membership, which includes membership in the IDL SIG.
But that's not all! With your permission, the IDL SIG will submit the top articles to the Technical Communication Body of Knowledge (TCBOK). Should your article be accepted for inclusion in the TCBOK, you will earn an additional year of membership with STC and the IDL SIG.
Here's how to enter:
1. Go to and download the complete Entry Packet.
2. Read the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information. If you still have questions, email the SIG at
3. Read the Contributor Guidelines and select a topic from the list of suggested instructional design topics.
Note that if you choose a topic not on our list, you need to request our pre-approval by email.
4. Write the article without exceeding two single-spaced pages or 1,000 words, excluding References section.
5. Use the Final Checklist to ensure your article adheres to all guidelines.
6. Download and complete the Submission Form.
7. Send your article, the Submission Form, and any graphics to
Need more information? Click here to view a PDF with the full details of the competition.