Meet the Candidates: Todd DeLuca for Director

This entry is being posted on behalf of Todd DeLuca, candidate for Director in the 2020 STC election.

Todd DeLucaIt is a privilege to be on the ballot as a candidate for STC Director. As a volunteer and leader in the organization, I appreciate and value the opportunities and value STC affords its diverse members and communities. Being elected for another term as a Director representative for the Society would be a continuing honor and opportunity to return some of the support, encouragement, and experience I've gained through service to the community.


As Director I promise to consider different points of view and represent varying member voices, bringing unique and promising ideas to the Board so that we continue to address the changing needs of members. The STC is in the process of engaging new professional and experienced resources to move the Society forward and provide improved services and visibility in the marketplace. If elected, I would support newly implemented transitional activities and help foster new relationships.


As Director, I will represent STC members with the following goals in mind:


Member Promotion

Organizations that employ STC members are getting the best of the best. STC members invest in their career, which makes us the most qualified, educated, and ethical professionals in the field. STC should spread that word and connect with the recruiters, companies, and organizations who hire STC members.


Community and Volunteer Support

We can improve the service provided to our geographic chapters and SIG communities and assist the volunteers who bring members together and manage educational programs. We can look to implement shared systems, centralize administrative functions, and assist with sharing best programs and practices across the communities. ) – with a focus on reducing cost and overhead.


Collaboration and Partnership

STC should look for partnerships with other organizations that our members belong to or events they attend for discounts, joint meetings, or expanded education offerings.


Engagement and Communication

We can continue to increase the transparency of STC work or decisions so that members better understand the challenges and opportunities the Society faces.


I hope you take a few moments in the upcoming weeks to review the choice of solid and qualified candidates in this year's election and exercise your right to vote. It's your opportunity to influence the direction of the Society and choose who will represent you.


Cheers and thank you for your consideration.


~ Todd DeLuca