Meet the Candidates: Aiessa Moyna for Vice President

STC Election Meet the Candidates

This entry is being posted on behalf of Aiessa Moyna, candidate for Vice President in the 2021 STC election.

Aiessa MoynaMy Fellow STC Colleagues –

I am Aiessa Moyna, and I am running for Vice President of the Society for Technical Communication. I’m a former STC Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors. I’m seeking your vote to return to the STC Board and serve as Vice President and ultimately, President and Immediate Past President, to help the Society navigate through a time of ongoing change and ensure its future success.

As a former member of the Board, I learned about the Society’s governance model and practices, including the leadership structure; how the Board of Directors operates; how the Board, staff, and membership work together; plus required processes for budgeting, expense management, and financial reporting. As a technical communicator, I have experience in setting strategic goals, developing implementation plans, and motivating team members without having direct leadership authority. I also have a background in public affairs, compliance, and technology development in a corporate setting, which has made me comfortable with providing leadership and fiscal transparency under scrutiny by business, industry, and regulatory entities. I believe this experience would serve me well as an officer of the Society.

As STC emerges from a global pandemic and economic downturn, I believe we have an opportunity to reimagine how we can serve our members, as well as other technical communicators, plus those who do the work of tech comm but don’t consider themselves to be part of our profession. While we have long provided virtual programs, we tend to still do so with a focus on our North American audience. Our most recent experience with the annual Summit forced us to reconsider how we engage our audiences virtually. By doing so, I believe we can expand the global reach of our programs and services. In turn, this could broaden the appeal of STC to new audiences, increasing participation, and generating additional revenue. This could then enable us to create new programs and services, as well as generate revenue from new and expanded sources. Ultimately, I believe this could help STC establish a greater level of fiscal stability and increase the viability of the Society for the future.

I would be honored to have the opportunity to work toward these goals by serving you and the entire Society as Vice President, and then President and Immediate Past President. Thank you for your consideration.

As an STC member, you can shape the future of our Society by voting in this election. I encourage you to get to know all the candidates for every office by visiting the Elections page on the STC website: You also may engage with the candidates directly through the election forums hosted on the STC Communities Slack workspace. And then please vote!

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