Announcing the 2021 STC Distinguished Community Service Award Winners

The Distinguished Community Service Awards recognize the hard work and commitment of STC’s community volunteers. The three awards — the Distinguished Chapter Service Award, Distinguished SIG Service Award, and Distinguished Service Award for Students — recognize an individual’s exemplary effort, energy, and dedication to their community and its activities. This is the highest level of recognition that a member can receive for service to their community. Any STC community member, excluding the President and Vice President of that community and members of the STC Board of Directors, is eligible to be nominated. Nominations are be submitted by the professional chapter, SIG, or student chapter executive council.

At STC’s 2021 Leadership Program on 19 May, the following individuals were formally recognized for their service to their community.

Distinguished Chapter Service Award:

Rajib Borkataki, India Chapter: To recognize your exemplary efforts to revitalize the India chapter, continued contributions to chapter activities; and for your wisdom, experience, and sound advice that sustain and advance the chapter.

Christine Christensen, Rochester Chapter: For sustained contributions and service to the Rochester chapter in many roles, and for exhibiting enthusiasm, team spirit, focus, and a commitment to quality.

Phoebe Forio, Atlanta Chapter: In recognition of your exemplary efforts to revitalize the STC Atlanta chapter; for outstanding service as President and Vice-President; and for your continued contributions to chapter activities.

Steven Jong, New England Chapter: For your extensive, distinguished service to the New England chapter in a wide range of leadership roles, and proud representation of the chapter through your many contributions to STC.

Gale Naylor, San Francisco Bay Chapter: For outstanding leadership of the East Bay Chapter, contributions to modernizing the website; and for continued wholehearted support in sustaining our infrastructure.

Alison Phillips, Michigan Great Lakes Chapter: For your exceptional contributions to the Southeastern Michigan chapter; leadership in establishing the Michigan Great Lakes chapter; and for continuously exemplifying professionalism, kindness, and concern for all members.

Cathy Sprankle, Carolina Chapter: For the variety of ways that you volunteer your expertise and for your sustained commitment to preserving the important financial records of the Carolina chapter.

Danielle Villegas, Philadelphia Metro: In recognition of your exemplary efforts to revitalize the Philadelphia Metro chapter, and for your continuing contributions to chapter activities.

Bob Want, North Texas Lone Star Chapter: For serving the North Texas Lone Star Chapter in various leadership positions; consistent dedication, extensive mentoring; growing the chapter’s legacy of excellence; and exemplary devotion to the technical communication profession.

Distinguished SIG Service Award:

Lori Meyer, Instructional Design and Learning (IDL) SIG: For your dedication to the Instructional Design and Learning SIG, your unfailing commitment to leadership, and for displaying compassion and wisdom, in calm and troubled circumstances.

Yoel Strimling, Technical Editing SIG: For developing the Technical Editing SIG’s Corrigo Journal and for elevating its credibility and prestige through your excellence as an editor, by providing relevant, high-quality information to the community. 

Distinguished Service Award for Students:

Tavia Record, Washington DC-Baltimore Chapter: For leadership in establishing the All-Stars in TechComm Webinar Speaker Series, managing our TechComm Competition, and inspiring everyone with innovative ideas and dedication.

Congratulations, and thank you to each of these award winners for their support of STC and their communities!