Join the CAC Events at the 2023 STC Summit

The STC's Community Affairs Committee (CAC) will be hosting two events on May 15 and 16, to which all Summit attendees are welcome to attend.

Monday, May 15

Join us for will be our educational / information exchange event. CAC team leaders will be presenting three 5-minute sessions with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A:

  • Member engagement – Attracting and welcoming new members, interacting with your members, and encouraging them to renew their membership in STC and your community.
  • Programming ideas – Working with your leadership team to generate ideas for community events that will attract your members and prospective members, finding presenters to share expertise on topics of interest to your members
  • Attracting, recruiting, and engaging with volunteers – Communicating volunteer opportunities that will appeal to your members, sharing the various types of volunteer opportunities, educating volunteers, providing support for their work.

We’ll be presenting these sessions in succession instead of in progressions, so everyone who joins us can attend and learn from each one.

Tuesday, May 16

Have some fun at our social and networking event.

  • We will be focusing on celebrating STC’s 70th birthday, and you’ll be able to share meaningful, inspiring, and fun experiences you’ve had as an STC member. If you’re not yet an STC member, this is your chance to find out what it means to be part of STC! We’ll have candy on hand for those who share!
  • Next, Lori Meyer, CAC Chair, will speak for a few minutes about the vital role communities play in the STC experience, and offer thanks to all who have enriched and strengthened their communities.
  • The session will wrap up with a big Happy 70th birthday wish for STC. Since we can’t have birthday candles, we’ll give each attendee a mini-flashlight to shine a light on this special anniversary. (The flashlights are yours to keep.)

CAC and SIG combined table

On Monday and Tuesday, we’ll have a table in the vendor area for both the CAC and SIGs.

  • SIG leaders can sign up for time slots to be at the table. CAC team leaders will also be present at intervals, and we’ll have information about resources available from the CAC.
  • When you’re in the vendor area, stop by the table all day Monday and Tuesday to chat with SIG leaders and your CAC team!

We look forward to seeing you there, and showing how you can participate more deeply in your STC Communities!