Mark your calendars on Thursday, 8 June 2023, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 ET for our Virtual Leadership Program!
Join us and help us celebrate the awards received by STC communities and leaders, find out more about how you can become active in STC communities, and learn more about strengthening your communities through three educational presentations.
Although recipients of the Community Achievement (CAA), Pacesetter, and Distinguished Community Service awards were noted at the Summit 2023 honors event, the Virtual Leadership Program is the official venue by which we celebrate these community and individual awards. This is where we will shine a light on each award-winning community and distinguished community service leader, along with the hard-working committees that evaluated the nominees and recommended the recipients. If you or your community has received a CAA, Pacesetter, or Distinguished Service award, or if you served on one of the award committees, we invite you to join us and be recognized! If you’re a member of an award-winning community, be on hand with us to cheer on your community.
But that's not all! After the awards celebration, CAC team members will lead educational sessions on attracting and supporting your volunteers, developing and managing events that will interest your members and prospective members, and communication strategies to engage your members and encourage continuing membership. These are the same sessions we will be offering at the CAC Summit leadership event, so this is your chance to benefit from this learning if you couldn't attend the conference. Even if you attended the CAC Info Exchange at Summit, you may still gain new insights on the topics presented.
This year, we'll be presenting these sessions in succession instead of in breakout rooms, so everyone can attend and participate. Each session will be about 10 minutes long (5 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q and A).
Our outgoing STC board president, Aiessa Moyna, and our incoming STC board president, Tim Esposito, will also be on hand to greet us online.
The program is free to STC leaders and members, but you will need to register ahead of time.
Register for the 2023 STC Virtual Leadership Program
(Scroll down to the Virtual Leadership Program description.)
You'll receive a Zoom link to access the program.
All STC members are welcome and encouraged to join us. We look forward to seeing you there!