Talking Usability: Is the Future Glass?

I am co-author of Web Services, Service-Oriented Architectures, and Cloud Computing: The Savvy Manager’s Guide. In the book, I describe how a Glass-type of device would be used for facial recognition, translating items in a menu, translation, and getting directions to a restaurant to name a few examples. At the time the book was written (2011 and 2012), a wearable technology was on the drawing board and not yet available to the public. Glass was the kind of technology you read about in Popular Science. Envisioning the possibilities for using Glass meant that nothing was impossible—everything was possible. The only limitation to what was possible was technology. Surprise—it’s here: Glass.

Talking Usability: What I Learned as a Competition Judge

I was in a meeting with a client reviewing my user guide for use in training users on a new system in development. The client asked why my user guide did not have the same layout and design as the legacy user guide. Before I answered, my mind flashed back to earlier this year when I was a judge in the Society’s international publication competition, better known as the STC International Summit Awards.