Recognition Thursday: Pacesetter Awards

It's Recognition Thursday again! Yes, it's already been a week. One week closer to the Summit, too, which is where all the communities and people will be formally honored. If you're attending the Summit, be sure to purchase a ticket to the Honors Banquet as well.

This week we highlight the communities that earned the Pacesetter Award. STC’s Community Pacesetter Award recognizes innovative and successful community initiatives. Unlike STC’s Community Achievement awards, which recognize communities for consistent strength in many varied activities, the Pacesetter Award recognizes the successful implementation of a single beneficial innovation that may be implemented by other STC communities.


For implementing the use of social media to engage an audience previously not accessible to the chapter, bolstering their image as an active and evolving chapter, gaining new members, increasing volunteerism, and increasing their chapter income.

Canada West Coast

For offering an information interview service for the dozens of people wanting to speak to experienced chapter technical communicators about our profession.

For creating an online judging and entry system for student writing competitions and applying it to the decades-old, full-day judging event for research papers that accompany students’ projects at the state Science and Engineering Fair.

Rochester Chapter

For the strategic use and combined application of Web-based tools and social media strategies to create and document sustainable, repeatable, and cohesive processes to promote, manage, and evaluate a regional conference.

Rocky Mountain

For developing a comprehensive financial strategy to evaluate and reduce or eliminate costs without reducing benefits, to continue to offer the greatest value to their membership while remaining good stewards of the Society’s funds.

Technical Editing SIG

For broadening your use of MySTC in ways that expand your reach to members, fostering interactive communication, and automating the broadcast of SIG activities to multiple channels—all while promoting the MySTC Network.

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