Meet the Candidates: Jackie Damrau for STC Nominating Committee
This entry is being posted on behalf of Jackie Damrau, candidate for Nominating Committee in the 2018 STC election. More information about Jackie can be found on her STC election page.
This entry is being posted on behalf of Jackie Damrau, candidate for Nominating Committee in the 2018 STC election. More information about Jackie can be found on her STC election page.
Have you considered running for the STC Board of Directors or Nominating Committee? Do you have colleagues with ideal qualifications to serve? If so, consider recommending yourself or others for consideration for Society-level office. The 2018 STC ballot will include candidates for Vice President, Secretary, Director (two positions), and Nominating Committee Member (two positions).
STC, the Nominating Committee, and the Board of Directors are pleased to announce the results of its 2015 election.
Voting concluded at 5:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on 6 April. Of 4,320 eligible voters, 471 (10.90%) cast ballots. There were some abstentions in each of the categories.