Publishing Perspectives: Editing

I knew I needed a break when I looked at a fortune cookie and the first thing I saw was a comma splice. Instead of reading the fortune, I immediately started looking for superstar word wielder Marcia Riefer Johnston to get a second opinion (we were both at Information Development World). Once my assessment was confirmed – she also said “comma splice” before making any other comment – I started thinking about editing and how to identify good editing.

Publishing Perspectives: Fonts and Fashion

I’ve been thinking about fonts lately; in particular, unfashionable fonts. If you search for “bad fonts,” you will discover a core set of fonts that no professional will admit to liking. The obvious “offenders” are Comic Sans and Papyrus—they make everyone’s list. But there is surprising agreement on several more, including Copperplate, Arial, Impact, and Brush Script. Others find their way onto both best of and worst of lists. For example, Trajan, Times Roman, Gill Sans, Courier, and Helvetica.

Publishing Perspectives: Net Neutrality

If you’re like me, you use a news aggregator. These are sites like The Huffington Post (news and politics), (sports), and altsounds (music). Each site focuses on different topics, but they all pull together stories from various sources into a single website. Some stories are generated by the aggregator, but many are from other sources, so when you select a story you’re redirected to another site to view the story.