Amanda Lopez
Product Management Consultant, Design Write
Amanda Lopez is an innovative Product Manager with experience developing online, mobile, and telecommunications products. With over a decade in project management, she’s provided technical writing, business analysis, UX design, and web content strategy for Sprint, Lockheed Martin, Clinical Care Options, and our nation’s Military Health System. She has extensive requirements experience, including responsibility for creating, testing, and managing multiple websites and mobile applications. Amanda has a B.A. in Communication from George Mason University and recently refreshed her marketing, design thinking, and leadership skills by attending General Assembly’s Product Management Immersive. She’s been consulting for local startup companies, but is seeking a challenging full-time career opportunity. Check out her work at:
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
Free STC Member-Only Webinar: Accessible Design for Web & Mobile Audiences (User Experience for the Experienced) | 1 Hours | September 20, 2017 |