Matt Sullivan

Matt Sullivan

Founder, Tech Comm Tools

Matt Sullivan has been working in tech comm and content experience since the 90's. He has taught over two thousand content authors how to more effectively produce docs, help, and online training.

He is the author of a series of FrameMaker reference and workbooks, and regularly produces feature videos for Adobe's Technical Communication Suite products. Adobe regularly commissions Matt to produce videos and deliver webinars and you can find his work on Adobe's product pages, as well as in his Tech Comm Tools online courses.

Matt spends his days developing and running online courses. Through his company, Tech Comm Tools, he helps organizations improve their audience's content experience.

Matt holds Adobe training certifications for FrameMaker, Captivate, RoboHelp, Connect, and Presenter. He is also certified in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and other applications.

He presents on Content Experience topics at various tech comm conferences each year, often on behalf of Adobe. These conferences include the STC Summit, LavaCon, and WritersUA.



Society for Technical Communication
11110 Sunset Hills Road | Reston, VA 20195