64.3, August 2017

On the Cover

The center icons are in focus with muted colors to represent the conventional methods for technical communication, marketing communication, and content strategy. As more innovative forms of communication emerge over time, their underlying defining categories become blurrier. A closer look reveals that those emerging applications appear, blend, and even disappear with disruptive speed and impact.

I hope that my illustration evokes the challenges we face in dealing with these blurring lines of distinction among the varied and overlapping forms of communication.

About the Artist

Ed Rempfer is a Multimedia Content Developer at SofterWare, Inc., where he creates websites, videos, animations and graphics in the User Experience department. From a bustling advertising agency to a growing software company, Ed has worked in the creative media industry since 2003 and loves every minute of it. In his spare time he likes to work out, play the piano, and play video games. Contact Ed at erempfer@softerware.com.