As an interactive design specialist, I know that working on a team of people is inevitable. When working on teams of people, especially people who hold different roles within a project, I find communication is key. Part of my role will be to communicate between departments, as well as advocating for the user of the product being designed and developed. In illustrating the topic of “finding your footing in the world of developer docs,” I thought immediately of solid communication. If a developer does not have the right documentation, or the documentation isn’t thorough enough, this can cause problems when developing whatever the project is—app, interface, webpage, product, etc. Naturally, if a developer does not have the correct documentation, we have an angry developer and a project that is delayed. On the flip side, it is just as important for a developer to communicate with the team for the same reasons. It is each team member’s job to communicate if there is an issue or a misunderstanding with any documentation. I simply illustrated this process by showing a foot lightly stepping near a pile of “developer documents.” We all need to watch our footing and work as a team when dealing with team projects.
About the Artist
Lindsay Blankenbeker is an undergraduate student in her senior year at Kennesaw State University. She is studying Interactive Design with a concentration in Technical Communication. This Bachelor of Science degree focuses on the technical, theoretical, and creative skills needed in the digital-based world of user interface and user experience development and design. Lindsay’s passion is to create designs that are centered around human emotion and interaction. She is available at