On the Cover
I used Procreate to make an illustration of a robot writing in binary on an iPad. I liked the idea of humanizing the robot, so he is handwriting his code, not printing it or typing it. I also thought it may be cool to give him interesting things like a plant or the poster that says “SOMEDAY I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD” because it makes him look funnily empathetic for a robot.
About the Artist
Brandi Mills is an undergraduate student at Eastern Kentucky University. She is studying English with a focus on education. Brandi is passionate about graphic design and creating recognizable work that connects to broad audiences. She is available at brandi_mills65@mymail.eku.edu.
Honorable Mention
Graphic design is the meshing of the mechanical with the creative and that is how I chose to interpret the prompt, writing for robots. We think of technology devoid of the creative, but now it’s used as a conduit of creation. Therefore, I aimed to create a robot that was clearly feeling. He’s leaned in an organic position. He wears an outfit we associate with an artist. I tried to incorporate contrast visually and thematically.
About the Artist
Emily Smith is an undergraduate student at Eastern Kentucky University. There she studies English and Spanish. Visual design is her favorite way to spend her free time while adding meaning and beauty in her life. She is available at emmysmith22@icloud.com.