68.4 November 2021

On the Cover


For this project, I decided to use a campfire because nothing quite depicts storytelling like the idea of sitting around a campfire with friends, faces lit from below, sharing stories. Fires, in general, have kept our species alive and served as a hub for storytelling for millennia. These stories have been of history, fiction, and everything in between. Telling stories is part of what makes us human and allows us to transform the future in some regard. More specifically, telling stories around a fire connects us to our roots and highlights years of transformations we have gone through by translating and transforming information.

Fires, themselves, tell either a story of destruction or transformation, depending on how you look at them. I chose to view them as mediums of transformation, much like technical writing is for information. So, I placed binary code on the logs to show that it was once in one form, then depicted bits and pieces of binary code spewing from the fire like sparks as it transformed into something new. I also added a layer mask to the image and a drop shadow to the title to create a smokiness that fit the theme and softened the image.


As an undergraduate at Eastern Kentucky University, Kristen Foreman studies English and Biology. These two disparate fields promote Foreman’s passion to further scientific understanding through research and efforts to make scientific knowledge more accessible to the layperson. As such, she is interested in promoting exploration of the creativity inherent in nature through her designs. She is available at foreman.kristen12@gmail.com.