The following articles on technical communication have appeared recently in other journals. The abstracts are prepared by volunteer journal monitors. If you would like to contribute, contact Sean Herring at
“Recent & Relevant” does not supply copies of cited articles. However, most publishers supply reprints, tear sheets, or copies at nominal cost. Lists of publishers’ addresses, covering nearly all the articles we have cited, appear in Ulrich’s international periodicals directory.
Finding a teaching a11y: Designing an accessibility-centered pedagogy
Sonka, K., McArdle, C., & Potts, L. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 264–274. https://10.1109/TPC.2021.3091190
This teaching case discusses how the authors placed accessibility (a11y, a numeronym) at the core of their undergraduate degree program to address “program values, industry experience, and market need.” Through “experimental work applied within the program’s framework, [the authors] built a foundational course, launched an intensive short program (study away), and developed opportunities for student knowledge sharing on the local, regional, and national levels.” The authors found the focus on accessibility gave students “a strong foundation and broader connections with outside partners focused on user experience.” The case “describes how technical communicators can develop these foundations in their own organizations.”
Lyn Gattis
PDF: The “P” stands for problematic
Caffrey-Hill, J., Clark, N., Davis, B., & Helman, W. (2021). Weave: Journal of Library User Experience, 4(1).
“The Portable Document Format (PDF) is one of the most common document file types in academia, both in the library and the classroom. Unfortunately, PDF poses unique barriers to accessibility, particularly for the visually impaired. Ensuring that all people can read PDF content can be complex and expensive.” The authors offer alternatives (e.g., web pages or Word documents) for instructors to increase accessibility for their students, “providing a better experience for both the end reader and the document author.” The authors end with “a call to arms for higher education to migrate away from PDF and to urge the tech community to develop new file formats that lend themselves to enhanced accessibility on a limited budget.”
Diana Fox Bentele
How to audit your library website for WCAG 2.1 compliance
Rayl, R. (2021). Weave: Journal of Library User Experience, 4(1).
Despite “no dedicated budget” and limited staff, this university library . . . significantly improved its website’s accessibility. “The ever-evolving nature of library websites can lead to a . . . collection of web pages that lack . . . key accessibility features for users. In Spring 2020, our library’s user experience unit audited our library website . . . for WCAG 2.1 compliance. . . . We share our process with others in hopes that it helps reduce barriers to identifying website accessibility issues.” The staff not only forwarded some issues to the university’s webmaster, they corrected many of the issues themselves, in real time. The author provided specific details of the process, including the source of the WCAG training, and shared hindsight advice: Do a bit more up-front training, assign lanes of responsibility for who will do the revisions, and take care of workers’ bodies during this tedious work. The author encouraged us that “auditing for accessibility does not need to be mired down by organizational barriers.”
Diana Fox Bentele
Audience analysis
Exploring how the terms “Black” and “African American” may shape health communication research
Ridley-Merriweather, K. E., Hoffmann-Longtin, K., & Owusu, R. K. (2021). Health Communication.
“Several distinct terms are used to identify descendants of the African diaspora (DADs) as fellow members of a racialized population. However, “Black” and “African American” are the two labels most commonly used. Given the recent calls for examining institutionalized racism in the United States, health scholars must contemplate the problems that may arise when these two terms are used interchangeably, namely the extent to which mislabeling may reify already significant health disparities. This essay examines the histories and meanings of “Black” and “African American” as identity labels and explores their importance in relationship to the effective recruitment of DADs to health research and clinical trials. In this paper, [the authors] employ the communication theory of identity and critical race theory as lenses to call attention to the discursive challenges associated with recruitment of DADs in health research. [The authors] also encourage health communication scholars to explore and extend the scope of this research. [Authors] do this by first describing the unintended consequences in health research through disregard of DADs’ chosen identity labels. [Authors] then use the various terms to describe DADs to illuminate existing tensions between “Black” and “African American.” [The authors] describe how each moniker is used and perceived, broadly and in health contexts. Finally, [the authors] call for more research into the effects of mislabeling and propose a plan for researchers’ next steps.”
Walter Orr
Making when ends don’t meet: Articulation work and visibility of domestic labor during do-it-yourself (DIY) innovation on the margins
Rajan, P. (2021). Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 315–330.
“Makerspaces, hackathons, and technology incubators are key-emerging sites for communication practice and research. Yet, little is known about how resource-constrained, non-Western families practice DIY (Do It Yourself). Revisiting craft’s roots in families practicing artisanal trades, I find that the visibility of DIY innovation relies on the infrastructuring of family members who perform articulation work despite tremendous economic risk through traditional and transgressive family and gender roles and identities.”
Rhonda Stanton
Negotiating ethos: An Army Corps of Engineers resource manager persuades a community to protect a recreational lake area
Pickering K. (2021). Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 84(3), 205–241.
This author posits that “language is a form of social action, and we convey values through language” then shares an experience to offer ways of bridging divides that often persist when “addressing difficult communication conflicts” to train individuals to negotiate with others. “This article presents an observational case study of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Resource Manager working with community members through a contested project. Using the Aristotelian concepts of ethos, credibility, and character development, I examine ethos appeals the Resource Manager used to align Corps’s sustainability values with the community’s values. Transcribed interviews with community members reveal this alignment evolved through a coconstructed ethos negotiation process between the Resource Manager and the community. The article concludes with rhetorical and pedagogical insights gained from the case study that apply to conflict resolution in organizational communication.”
Diana Fox Bentele
Toward a model of the influence of motivation and communication on volunteering: Expanding Self-Determination Theory
Kramer, M.W., Austin, J. T., Hansen, G. J. (2021). Management Communication Quarterly, 35(4), 572–601,
The author noted that finding and retaining new volunteers could be improved by changing communication strategies, both in recruitment and in motivating volunteers to stay and return. Because the study found that “clear, directive communication from workgroup supervisors and . . . from peers predicted both satisfaction and likelihood of future volunteering,” this study could benefit other management seeking to positively influence workers. “Single-event volunteering . . . is increasingly common. To gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, this study used self-determination theory [SDT] to explore the motivations and communication experiences of volunteers for a 1-day volunteer event . . . Results from the analysis indicated increased feelings of autonomy, competence, relatedness, and purpose, along with reduced feelings of pressure to participate, were associated with increased motivation to volunteer during the recruitment process. Higher levels of motivation, along with positive communication with leaders and peers, resulted in higher levels of satisfaction and likelihood of volunteering again. These results provide evidence for expanding SDT to develop a model of volunteering that includes additional motivations and communication, and provide practical advice for leaders of volunteers.”
Diana Fox Bentele
Curriculum design
Implementing Universal Design for Learning elements in the online learning materials of a first-year required course
Rearick, B. England, E. Saulnier Lange, J. & Johnson, C. (2021). Weave: Journal of Library User Experience, 4(1).
Staff began by implementing UDL principles and WCAG 2.1 best practices into their University “library’s most-viewed online course guide” to help all students be more successful. “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a pedagogical design theory that accounts for variability across and within learners, both in physical classrooms and with online learning materials. Librarians at Washington State University implemented elements reflective of specific UDL checkpoints in a heavily-used LibGuide for a required undergraduate course . . . We discuss our implementation of UDL elements, changes in LibGuide use before and after the introduction of UDL features, and usability study results, focusing on how students who face learning barriers view UDL. We explain considerations for successfully implementing UDL in online materials and the potential benefits.” The results showed that a consistent, direct match of wording, especially keywords, was vitally important for students to be able to use the site. They were also surprised to learn that students, even those without visual difficulties, benefitted from “video captioning and transcripts.”
Diana Fox Bentele
Using web standards to design accessible data visualizations in professional communication
Strantz, A. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 288–301. https://10.1109/TPC.2021.3091784
“Data visualization is a reliable tool for professional communication practitioners to synthesize and present data for a variety of audiences. However, data visualizations have a range of accessibility concerns, including visual acuity, color/contrast difficulties, color blindness, and size/scale issues. Data visualizations should therefore be designed following web standards for complex images to ensure that they are accessible to audiences with diverse needs . . . ‘Universal design’ as a guiding principle is less helpful than targeted approaches to design that reflect actual user needs. Such targeted approaches should follow web standards for accessible design because they enable interaction with newer accessibility technologies and put more control in the hands of users.” The author recommends several best practices for creating data visualizations that are visually accessible, including using whitespace, contrast, and labels strategically; using web standards to connect visual and textual elements; and testing for accessibility.
Lyn Gattis
Framing diversity in corporate digital contexts: A multimodal approach to discursive recontextualizations of social practices
Maier, C. D., & Ravazzani, S. (2021). International Journal of Business Communication, 58, 463–489.
“Diversity has become a buzzword and a ‘must-have’ corporate practice for contemporary organizations. This article aims to determine how discursive strategies employed by organizations to frame diversity are constructed in digital contexts. Drawing on the literature related to diversity in organizations and its framing in external digital contexts, this study adopts a critical perspective on the discourse analysis of corporate multimodal communication. This methodological approach allows [the authors], first, to map the discursive strategies used to frame diversity in digital contexts through several semiotic modes; and second, to unravel in detail how this discursive construction is realized in terms of social actors, social actions, space, and time. This approach is empirically applied to the case of a leading global organization, Google. The study takes current research on diversity-related framing in corporate digital communication forward and shifts the focus to multimodal discursive strategies. Researchers can use this methodological approach to capture and analyze in detail the ongoing processes of discursive representations, and to produce longitudinal studies. Practitioners can become more aware of the multimodal character of contemporary communication and build on this study to ensure that their diversity-related framing is characterized by consistency across different digital platforms.”
Katherine Wertz
Generative fusions: Integrating technical and professional communication, disability studies, and legal studies in the work of disability inclusion and access
Bennett, K. C., & Hannah, M. A. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 235–249.
“Building on scholarship and practices in the fields of technical and professional communication (TPC), disability studies (DS), and legal studies (LS), this article calls for a fusion of these fields to help technical and professional communicators (TPCers) negotiate legal understandings of access that recognize it as a complex, social phenomenon.” Using thematic coding, the authors “examine [a sample of] the public-facing documents in JP Morgan Chase & Company’s (JP Morgan) diversity and inclusion initiatives” in the context of disability discourse. The authors “identify tensions across four discursive expressions,” suggesting these areas are “opportunity spaces for TPCer intervention and . . . justification for integrating TPC, DS, and LS. [The authors] then offer guidelines for more equitable documentation practices . . .”
Lyn Gattis
An editing process for blind or visually impaired editors
Baker, M. J., Nightingale, E. M., & Bills, S. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 275–287.
“In the U.S., hundreds of thousands of individuals with visual disabilities work in occupations that typically entail editing text. Editing technologies for blind or visually impaired people have been analyzed by researchers for usability, accessibility, and feasibility. However, a tutorial is needed to provide blind or visually impaired workers with information on how to use these technologies . . . The study’s blind coauthor (who prefers this terminology) draws on her academic and professional experience to provide procedural information for blind or visually impaired practitioners and students who need to open email attachments, navigate files, select text, navigate the Review tab of Microsoft Word, add comments, and use Nav Quick Keys . . . This tutorial indicates that word processors, screen readers, refreshable braille displays, and braille notetakers provide ways for blind or visually impaired practitioners and students to edit text. The tutorial also provides insight into one blind editor’s editing process and provides instructions for duplicating this process.”
Lyn Gattis
Opening the conversation: The development of a faculty-facing module on teaching students with dyslexia
Phelps, C. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 250–263.
“Accessibility training frequently relies upon checklist-based approaches to convey important standards and guidance . . . Dyslexic students frequently require alterations to both teaching approaches and document design; however, studies show that some faculty do not see or feel a need to offer any accommodations for this dis/ability. Research indicates that train-the-trainer approaches to accessibility training offer improved scalability and efficacy when it comes to engaging and acknowledging the needs of dis/abled communities. Amplifying voices from the dis/abled community in training also personalizes the need to make content accessible.” This article describes how a training module was created and implemented with “the iterative Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) method . . . A train-the-trainer approach that integrates testimonials from the dis/abled community offers a user-focused means of disseminating accessibility guidelines that organizations should consider if looking for rapid scalability for new accessibility initiatives.”
Lyn Gattis
So you want your own tech comm department? One program’s story of separating from English
Williams, S., & Ilyasova, K. (2021). Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 423–434,
“This article describes how one technical communication program succeeded in creating an independent department by separating from English. We describe the context that led to the decision to create an independent program and offer advice for others who might be interested in doing the same, emphasizing five key lessons that we learned during our process. We also offer some practical actions others might take if they seek to do something similar.”
Rhonda Stanton
Ethical issues
Cybersecurity breach and crisis response: An analysis of organizations’ official statements in the United States and South Korea
Kim, N., & Lee, S. (2021). International Journal of Business Communication, 58, 560–581.
“Cybersecurity breaches have rapidly become a high-impact crisis for many corporations. Thus, it is critically important for corporations to know how to protect their reputation through effective crisis communication. Considering the scarcity of empirical research on cybersecurity breaches in crisis communication, the current study attempts to fill this research gap. This study compared 108 official statements issued by organizations in the United States and South Korea when cybersecurity breaches threatened the reputations of various corporations. The characteristics of an apology (responsibility admittance, sympathetic expression, reassurance, compensation) and other features of crisis response (use of excuses, functions of apology, and organizational representation) were examined. This study found that the features of the official statements differed by cultural dimension (individualism vs. collectivism, small vs. large power distance) and by communication style (low-context vs. high-context communication).”
Katherine Wertz
Health communication
I will get myself vaccinated for others: The interplay of message frame, reference point, and perceived risk on intention for COVID-19 vaccine
Hong, Y., & Hashimoto, M. (2021). Health Communication. Advanced online publication.
“The purpose of this study is to seek an effective strategy to promote COVID-19 vaccination among young adults. Given that COVID-19 is less deadly for young adults, this study explores whether highlighting potential benefits or disadvantages that others may experience as a result of one’s vaccination increases young adults’ intention to get vaccinated, particularly for those who have low perceived risk of COVID-19. To test this idea, [the authors] conducted an experiment and analyzed the effect of interaction between message frame (gain vs. loss) and reference point (self vs. others) on intention for vaccination by one’s perceived risk (low vs. high). The results show that for those with low perceived risk of COVID-19, messages about potential negative consequences to others (e.g., family, friends, community members) from one’s failure to get vaccinated led to message elaboration and favorable attitude toward vaccination, which in turn promoted one’s intention to get vaccinated. [The authors] discuss practical implications of the findings for message strategies that target populations experiencing COVID-19 disparities.”
Walter Orr
The evolution of discourse in online communities devoted to a pandemic
Britt, B.C. (2021). Health Communication. Advanced online publication.
“Online communities are increasingly important discursive spaces in which individuals obtain health information and engage in sensemaking, and they play an especially essential role during viral outbreaks in which social distancing requirements may preclude engagement with other communities and information sources. However, the manner in which those communities evolve in response to a rapidly developing public health crisis, as well as in reaction to one another, is not well-understood. This longitudinal study uses latent Dirichlet allocation to assess the co-evolution of three subreddits focused on COVID-19 during the earliest, most volatile stages of the outbreak. The results demonstrate the power of being the first online community addressing an emerging health crisis as well as the manner in which latecomers to the conversation gravitate toward distinct niches to differentiate themselves with respect to both topical foci and associated communication styles. The results also highlight individuals’ detachment toward developments in even an unprecedented crisis such as a global pandemic, which represents a critical barrier that health communication professionals must overcome to persuade audiences to take health crises seriously. Future studies should examine the potential role of coordination among community administrators as well as the extent to which users are aware of and exert agency over the co-evolutionary processes spanning multiple communities.”
Walter Orr
Information management
Application of in-group identification to organizations: A study of the impact of self-investment and self-definition on key organizational outcomes
Snyder, J., & Cistulli, M. (2021). International Journal of Business Communication, 58, 516–535.
“This study looks at the association of the two-dimensional measure of in-group identification on key organizational outcomes. In-group identification has been used in social psychology research on social stereotyping, but has never been used in an organizational setting. In-group identification’s two dimensions—self-investment and self-definition—were predicted to influence relational quality, satisfaction with communication received, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Given its affective underpinnings, self-investment was hypothesized to have a larger influence on the outcomes than self-definition. An online survey of 302 full- and part-time employees was conducted. Results largely confirmed the hypotheses, with self-investment having the significantly larger influence on supervisor relational quality, top-management relational quality, satisfaction with communication received, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Managerial and organizational implications are discussed.”
Katherine Wertz
Intercultural communication
Active, reactive, and proactive approaches to corporate volunteering in three countries
Štumberger, N., & Pauly, J. (2021). International Journal of Business Communication, 58, 536–559.
“This article explores discursive constructions of corporate volunteering (CV) across three countries. Based on the analysis of 29 qualitative interviews with employees working in small and medium size companies in Denmark, Slovenia, and the United States, [the authors] explore distinct discursive features of the embedded nature of CV in the broader context of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The findings reveal that different orientations to CSR inform and shape the ways participants working in the three countries construct CV as active, reactive, or proactive corporate practice. This study aids in understanding of the cross-cultural distinctiveness of discourses that pertain to CV from an employee perspective, while also challenging the common notion of CV as an aspect of strategic CSR.”
Silent leaders in the workplace: Forms of leadership silence, attributions of leadership silence, and accuracy of attributions
Chang, T., Chou, S. Y., & Han, B. (2021). International Journal of Business Communication, 58, 490–515.
“Building upon the extant leadership research, [the authors] explore the phenomenon of leaders’ intentionally withholding of relevant information to subordinates. In particular, [the authors] conceptualize leadership silence and propose three distinct forms of leadership silence, including safeguarding silence, undermining silence, and disengaging silence. [The authors] also incorporate attribution theory and show how subordinates pinpoint the causes of leadership silence. [The authors] then discuss the accuracy of subordinates’ attributions of leadership silence. Finally, [the authors] present the theoretical contributions and managerial implications.”
Katherine Wertz
Public relations
Do organizational personification and personality matter? The effect of interaction and conversational tone on relationship quality in social media
Sung, K. H., & Kim, S. (2021). International Journal of Business Communication, 58, 582–606.
“The current study reveals that an organization can increase its personification and personality dimensions on social networking sites by adopting an interpersonal approach of communication (i.e., increased interaction, conversational tone). This personification of the organization led to an increased perceived relationship investment, eventually leading to an increased perceived relationship quality toward the organization. Five personality dimensions were examined, and of these the sincerity dimension mediated the influence of personification on perceived relationship investment. This finding suggests that sincerity might be an important dimension for organization-public relationship building.
Katherine Wertz
Engaging design thinking and making in technical and professional communication pedagogy
Tham, J. (2021). Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 392–409.
“This study explores the viability of making in technical and professional communication (TPC) pedagogy. This article reports a pedagogical case study of making as a way to enact design thinking in the TPC classroom. By aligning the values in making and design thinking with TPC learning goals, this study discusses the opportunities in maker-based learning and proposes a set of heuristics for integrating making with TPC pedagogy.”
Rhonda Stanton
An approach for incorporating community-engaged learning in intensive online classes: Sustainability and lean user experience
Batova, T. (2021). Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 410–422.
“Based on two user experience (UX) classes, this article describes an approach for incorporating community-engaged learning into intensive online classes. This approach relies on (1) sustainability for creating a flexible and meaningful thematic context with potential for an existing community engagement infrastructure and (2) the lean UX framework for serving as a foundation of the course structure. This approach showed promising results for students, community stakeholders, and faculty and is transferrable to various institutional contexts.”
Rhonda Stanton
Open video game development and participatory design
Thominet, L. (2021. Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 349–374.
“This article analyzes user work during open game development and presents an alternative model for participatory design. During open development, developers publicly distribute incomplete games, discuss their design goals, and facilitate user feedback. This article examines user work on an open development forum using conventional content and discourse uptake analyses. It finds that users customize their participation, engage with multiple objects of design, and affect design through collective action.”
Rhonda Stanton
Usability studies
Introduction to special issue on accessibility
Melonçon, L., & Ranade, N. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 215–220.
The guest editors introduce this special issue on accessibility by stating that “technical and professional communicators (and related professionals such as designers and computer scientists) have to engage with a paradigm shift” if genuine accessibility is to be achieved. “That paradigm shift involves a change in culture within organizations and throughout the processes of making so that accessibility and all that it entails is considered at the start and in every step of any project. Rather than waiting until the product stage, accessibility has to be considered during development, prototypes, experiments, and testing . . . [The editors] suggest expanding accessibility to a new paradigm of inclusive accessibility, a methodological framework that highlights simultaneously the beginning (inclusive and participatory audiences) and the end (accessibility). Inclusive accessibility is about a mindset that is guided by a ‘methodological framework,’ a deliberate process that considers from the outset, issues of diversity and inclusion from audiences, to technologies, to purposes, to means of delivery . . . The articles in this issue advance TPC’s engagement with accessibility in various ways,” including “starting with and grounding practices in accessibility . . . offering practice exemplars . . . suggesting ways to transfer accessibility approaches across organizations . . . [and] highlighting different kinds of abilities.”
Lyn Gattis
Queer usability
Ramler, M. (2021). Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 345–358.
“This article introduces the term “queer usability” to technical communicators. Queer usability is the anticipation of marginalized communities and the application of this anticipation to user-centered design to create a digital space in which marginalized populations are centered. In short, queer usability anticipates and centers marginalized users and their anticipated needs. To ethically create social media worlds, we must embrace and implement queer usability.”
Rhonda Stanton
User experience
Addressing workplace accessibility practices through technical communication research methods: One size does not fit all
Huntsman, S. (2021). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(3), 221–234.
“Accessibility of digital materials within workplaces continues to be an issue that is not readily and completely addressed through legal compliance and institutional policy. Despite the lack of marked improvement in digital accessibility, many continue to pursue a policy approach to accessibility, including checklists and guidelines.” This article asks whether . . . “common ground between institutional values and accessibility [can] be discovered and leveraged to motivate value-driven accessibility . . .” The author used common ground theory “to code and analyze data obtained from research interviews of 18 university instructors to determine how they consider accessibility within the process of developing their course documents . . . The data revealed that although instructors approached accessibility differently, all were motivated to work for student success, a fact that indicated common ground between instructor practices and accessibility. This finding suggests that accessibility advocates can motivate value-driven accessibility by leveraging common ground. [The author] used the revealed common ground to inform the development of a digital accessibility resource, which underwent usability testing. [The] research-informed design process illustrates that despite institutional variability, technical and professional communicators can find and leverage common ground to move away from a singular, policy-driven approach to accessibility in favor of a more sustainable value-driven accessibility, which generates and supports long-term accessibility design.”
Lyn Gattis
Resistance as participation: Queer theory’s applications for HIV health technology design
Green, M. (2021). Technical Communication Quarterly, 30, 331–344.
“This article proposes resistance as a form of participation in user experience settings. It details a study to include people living with HIV in codesigning a health education technology, and it found that participants resisted online education initiatives, citing HIV stigma on social media and privacy concerns. Taken with queer theory, these findings underscore the offline inequities mediating interaction on social media for those living with HIV and open alternative design arrangements reflecting participants’ embodied experiences.”
Rhonda Stanton