
The STC election follows the requirements of Article VIII of the STC Bylaws. The Nominating Committee is responsible for the selection of qualified candidates for STC office. The committee consists of five persons, including four elected members and an appointed chair.

The election is conducted each year prior to the annual business meeting.

Electon voting

The Current Election

Election Slate

The Election Slate lists all of the candidates for this year’s election, along with their campaign statement.

Typical Election Timeline

  • Summer: Solicitation of candidates. Members may nominate candidates and candidates may self- Candidates must meet the requirements defined in the STC Bylaws. STC encourages qualified candidates to consider this opportunity for service to STC and our membership. To nominate candidates for the next STC election, please complete the Candidate Nomination Form, above.
  • September/October: The Nominating Committee reviews and evaluates potential candidates for specific positions on the slate, develops a short list, and conducts interviews to vet the potential candidates. The Nominating Committee may choose to solicit additional candidates.
  • November/December: The Nominating Committee develops a preliminary slate and presents it to the STC Board for approval.
  • December/January: STC published the preliminary slate. Within 30 days, candidates previously vetted by the nominating committee but not chosen for the preliminary slate may be nominated by petition of five percent of the voting members of the total membership as of August 31 of the calendar year preceding the election. The details of the petition process may be found in the STC Bylaws and includes approval by the STC Board.
  • January/February: STC publishes the final slate.
  • February: Following the guidance of the Nominating Committee, candidates may campaign for office.
  • March: The election is held and results announced.
  • May/June: At the Annual Business Meeting, the Nominating Committee chair presents the election results and the elected candidates are installed.