The 14 Habits of Highly Effective Technical Writers
Are you a highly effective technical writer? If you are not, how can you dramatically improve as a technical communicator? If you are, how can you help others to become highly effective?
What if there were some tips or ideas that could make your job dramatically easier, and your performance dramatically more effective? Would you want to know about them? Join us to find out!
Basics of Editing and Proofreading
If you have strong skills in grammar and a sharp eye for typographical errors and clunky writing, and are considering entering tech comm field as an editor or proofreader; want to improve your editing and proofreading skills; or are a tech writer or designer who wants to learn what it takes to add editing or […]
How to Change Your Technical Publications Department From Cost Center to Revenue Center by Adopting DITA
Honing Your Workplace Negotiation Skills
Negotiation. Just saying the word makes many people quake in terror or withdraw in discomfort because it feels adversarial to them. But, change the word to collaboration and people smile and lean in to hear more. And yet, that is what negotiation really is—collaborative problem-solving. You have something someone else needs and they have something […]
A Modern Family-Structured Writing and XML Creating a Great Content Architecture
Can Tech Pubs and the rest of the organization (ROTO) find true happiness in marriage? Can technical communicators achieve inner peace with ROTO living together under a robust XML architecture? The answer is a resounding, “Maybe.” In this webinar we will explore structured writing, XML, and what is needed to make this Modern Family work productively at the enterprise level.